4 Signs You Should Make an Appointment with a Family Dentist

Family Dentist Brooklyn, NY

As your family grows, you may be considering a family dentist as a good option to take care of everyone's dental health in one place. There are a few signs you can look for that it is time to make a change and schedule appointments with a family dentist.

When to see a family dentist

Some dentists are limited in the patients they can see. A general dentist, for example, is often only able to work with adults. As the name would suggest, a family dentist can care for people during every stage of life. Here are four reasons to see a family dentist.

1. When you have children of various ages

When you have multiple children, there will come a point when some of them have baby teeth and some have adult teeth, which require different care. Choosing a family dentist means you do not have to worry about switching to a new dentist as your kids age. Sticking with a dentist who is familiar to them can relieve some of the stress that kids and teens may feel when it is time for their next appointment.

All children require dental care. Babies are born with their primary teeth developing in their jawbone. By the age of six to 12 months, they should see a family dentist to reduce the risk of decay and infection. Children continue to need care throughout their life. A family dentist can focus on prevention for your younger children and fixing problems for your older children. For example, as your kids grow into teens, they may notice crooked or discolored teeth and want to fix them. Dental care helps teens as they gain more independence over their eating and brushing habits.

2. When kids complain about tooth pain

Toothaches can be a sign of problems that need to be addressed with your children's teeth. Just like adults, kids need regular appointments to keep their teeth healthy. Most kids have not perfected the art of brushing their teeth. In addition, they may eat a lot of sugary foods that contribute to tooth decay. Sticky plaque accumulates on the teeth after eating sugary or starchy foods. As the plaque chews away at your children's enamel, cavities form. Some children may require fillings to treat decay.

Kids may also experience sensitivity from multiple oral issues including:

  • Tooth grinding
  • Cracked teeth
  • Newly erupted teeth

Kids tend to roughhouse more often than adults and may chip, crack or break their teeth in various scenarios. A family dentist has experience working with children. This means that they know how to be kind and patient with kids who may be having dental health issues. The dentist will be able to examine the teeth, determine the problem, and suggest appropriate treatment.

3. When you have family members with different needs

A family dentist is a great choice for people with kids, but it can also fulfill the needs of all of the adult members of your family. Family dentists have the same training as general dentists and can provide the same services to adults. This includes being able to care for all stages of adult teeth, up into old age. For older family members who may need a little help scheduling appointments, a family dentist can be an understanding and helpful resource.

When you have a family dentist, you also see your dentist in the same office as your children or older family members. Every person may require different care, but a family dentist can cover your needs, your older family member's needs, and your child's needs at the same time.

4. When your schedule is getting too busy

Keeping track of dentist appointments for everyone in your family can be overwhelming enough without having to deal with multiple locations. A family dentist is a great solution to help simplify things by allowing you to schedule everything in one place. A family dentist office should be understanding of the unique challenges you face in scheduling multiple appointments and can help you stay organized.


While it may take some initial effort to change dentists, switching to a family dentist can save you time and effort in the long run. There are many ways a family dentist can help take the stress out of dental care for your family. Able to cover the needs of children, adults, and elderly family members, a family dentist is a great option for keeping everyone's information and schedules organized in one convenient location.

Request an appointment here: http://flatbushdental.com or call Flatbush Dental at (718) 513-7216 for an appointment in our Brooklyn office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Brooklyn, NY.

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